Ask Amy: Vacation times are affected by interlopers

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Ask Amy: Vacation times are affected by interlopers Dear Amy: Like a lot of people these days, my adult children and many of my friends are spread out all over the country. I try to stay in touch with them by making short trips to visit them.These trips are usually four or five days (two days of which are travel days) and include the expenses of airfare, accommodations, entertainment, pet sitting, etc.I have a close friend I have met in various locations for vacations, and the last three times, she has brought a friend or family member along (at her expense) without telling me in advance.Her one friend was a very high-maintenance stranger (to me) who now shows up on all of my photos from our vacation to Yosemite. Her presence totally affected the dynamic.Another time, she invited her adult son along, again without telling me.My kids also do this, inviting other family members or friends over during my visits.I appreciate the desire to be one big happy group, but I would like to just have some alone time with them. It would be great i...

Bridge: May 6, 2023

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Bridge: May 6, 2023 “Simple Saturday” columns focus on basic technique and logical thinking.Effective defense is impossible without counting. Besides counting declarer’s distribution, high-card points and potential winners, defenders must count their own tricks.To beat a major-suit game takes four tricks. In today’s deal, West leads a spade against four hearts, and East takes the ace. Before returning partner’s lead, East should think about where the defenders’ four tricks will come from.TRUMP TRICK?West is unlikely to have a trump trick, and though he may have a diamond trick, he can’t have the A-K, not having led a diamond. So the defense will surely need one club. If South has the king of spades, they will need two.At Trick Two, East must shift to the eight of clubs. If West has the king of spades, he will probably get it no matter what. This defense is not a sure thing: If South holds QJ10,K10965,A6,AKQ, East must return a spade instead. But that is a speci...

Horoscopes May 6, 2023: George Clooney, let your actions express how you feel

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Horoscopes May 6, 2023: George Clooney, let your actions express how you feel CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Gabourey Sidibe, 40; George Clooney, 62; Tom Bergeron, 68; Willie Mays, 92.Tom Bergeron (AFP PHOTO / VALERIE MACONVALERIE MACON/AFP/Getty Images) Happy Birthday: Let your imagination run wild and you’ll come up with impressive ideas that will entertain you and those waiting to see what you’ll do next. Let your actions express how you feel. The response you get in return will give you the go-ahead to make your dreams come true. Trusting and believing in yourself will motivate you to go the distance. Your numbers are 8, 15, 21, 28, 33, 37, 44.ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t waste time trying to fix something that isn’t broken. Stay focused on what’s important and can make a difference to the outcome of a situation that can affect your lifestyle or status. Pay attention to what you say and how you look. 3 starsTAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don’t feel you have to do everything yourself. Reach out to people who share you...

Dmitri: The Man Financing a Political Counterrevolution

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Dmitri: The Man Financing a Political Counterrevolution This week on Deconstructed, Ryan Grim is joined by Dmitri Mehlhorn, a tech executive who has emerged as one of the most powerful financiers in the Democratic Party and a strategist who often takes direct aim, with millions of dollars, at the party’s left flank. He was in the news this week for helping finance E. Jean Carroll’s defamation suit against Donald Trump. Mehlhorn and Grim discuss their competing views on political strategy, the best way to challenge Republicans, and the way forward for the party.[Deconstructed theme music.]Ryan Grim: I’m Ryan Grim. Welcome back to Deconstructed.First, a big thank you to everybody who gave last week during our little pledge drive; very much appreciated. Today we’re going to be talking about the future of the Democratic Party and competing ideas about how it ought to pitch itself to the country, what it should stand for, and how it can best stand up to Trump and the MAGA movement around him.Now, for that conversation,...

Multitudes se reúnen en las calles de Londres para la coronación del rey Charles III

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Multitudes se reúnen en las calles de Londres para la coronación del rey Charles III Decenas de miles de espectadores, miles de soldados, cientos de invitados y algunos manifestantes convergieron el sábado alrededor de la Abadía de Westminster en Londres, donde el rey Charles III, un hombre que esperó siete décadas para convertirse en rey, será coronado con toda la pompa y decoro que Gran Bretaña pueda congregar.Y puede congregar mucho.Habrá coronas y diamantes, música alta, túnicas moradas y magníficos sombreros, y un clamor entusiasta de “Dios salve al rey” dentro de la abadía y en las calles fuera.La iglesia bullía de emoción y estaba llena de flores fragantes y coloridos sombreros cuando los invitados comenzaron a llegar dos horas antes de la ceremonia. Entraron en la abadía celebridades como Judi Dench, Emma Thompson y Lionel Richie, junto con políticos, jueces con pelucas, soldados con relucientes medallas prendidas de sus túnicas rojas y miembros de la Cámara de los Lores con sus túnicas rojas. En histórico trono de madera, el rey Charles III se...

Moda en la coronación del rey Carlos III: qué visten los invitados

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Moda en la coronación del rey Carlos III: qué visten los invitados (CNN) — Elegir el atuendo “adecuado” para usar en cualquier evento real es de suma importancia, y puede haber pocos momentos históricamente más significativos que la coronación de un nuevo monarca.Mucho se ha hablado de las desviaciones de la tradición para la coronación del rey Carlos III y esto se extendió a los códigos de vestimenta de los invitados. Atrás quedaron las solicitudes de que los asistentes usaran túnicas elegantes o atuendos ceremoniales a favor de una apariencia más relajada y recortada.La Primera Dama de Estados Unidos, la Dra. Jill Biden y su nieta Finnegan Biden llegan a la Abadía de Westminster, en el centro de Londres, antes de la ceremonia de coronación del Rey Carlos III y la Reina Camila. Fecha del cuadro: Sábado 6 de mayo de 2023. Andrew Milligan/Pool vía REUTERSLa primera dama, Jill Biden, usó un traje de falda azul bígaro de Ralph Lauren con un lazo para el cabello a juego y estuvo acompañada por su nieta Finnegan Biden, con un elegante ...

Charles III to be crowned in ancient rite at uncertain time

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

Charles III to be crowned in ancient rite at uncertain time LONDON (AP) — King Charles III is being crowned Saturday at Westminster Abbey, in a ceremony built on ancient traditions, at a time when the monarchy faces an uncertain future.More than 2,000 guests, thousands of troops, tens of thousands of spectators and a smattering of protesters converged in and around the abbey as the king traveled from Buckingham Palace in a gilt-trimmed, horse-drawn carriage.It was the final mile of a seven-decade journey for Charles from heir to monarch.The ceremony will be filled with pomp and pageantry: There will be crowns and diamonds, soaring music, purple robes, magnificent hats — and a rousing cheer of “God Save the King” inside the abbey and in the streets outside.As guests arrived, the church buzzed with excitement and was abloom with fragrant flowers and colorful hats. Streaming into the abbey were celebrities, dignitaries and world leaders, including U.S. First Lady Jill Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trude...

King Charles III arrives at Westminster Abbey for coronation built on ancient traditions as monarchy faces shaky future

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

King Charles III arrives at Westminster Abbey for coronation built on ancient traditions as monarchy faces shaky future LONDON (AP) — King Charles III arrives at Westminster Abbey for coronation built on ancient traditions as monarchy faces shaky future.Source

¿Quién es el rey Carlos III?

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

¿Quién es el rey Carlos III? (CNN Español) – Tras la muerte de su madre, la reina Isabel II, Carlos III —su nuevo nombre como rey— marcará el inicio de una nueva era para el Reino Unido al ser coronado.Al morir la reina Isabel II, todos los derechos y responsabilidades de la Corona pasaron a recaer en el rey Carlos III. Se convirtió en jefe de Estado no solo en Gran Bretaña, sino también en otros 14 reinos de la Mancomunidad británica, incluidos Australia y Canadá. También pasó a ser jefe de la Mancomunidad de 56 miembros, luego de que los líderes de la Mancomunidad acordaran su sucesión en el cargo en una reunión en Londres en 2018.Igualmente se convirtió en jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas Británicas, del servicio judicial y el servicio civil, y es el gobernador supremo de la Iglesia de Inglaterra. Es la Fuente del Honor, lo que significa que todos los honores, como los títulos de caballero, ahora se otorgarán en su nombre.Quién es quién en la Casa de Windsor: así es la línea de sucesiónEl rey del Reino Unido tamb...

King Charles III crowned in Westminster Abbey

Published Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:27:47 GMT

King Charles III crowned in Westminster Abbey LONDON — In a ceremony of pageantry, quirks and ancient tradition, King Charles III, Britain’s 62nd monarch, was on Saturday officially crowned head of state of the United Kingdom and 14 Commonwealth realms.The king, who succeeds his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, was coronated at London’s Westminster Abbey alongside his wife Camilla in a two-hour ceremony attended by world leaders, members of the royal family, foreign dignitaries, faith leaders, and heads of state.The ceremony was overseen by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and punctuated with rituals, regalia, and objects dating back centuries.These included oaths, spurs, a Jewelled Sword of Offering, various sceptres and an orb. The king was anointed with holy oil via a coronation spoon, while the watching public were offered the chance to declare their loyalty by proclaiming: “God save King Charles.” Among the 2,000 guests were French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte. First Lady Jill Biden, the...